Thursday 14 June 2012

Ben Elton popcorn responsibility

The Ben Elton popcorn responsibility book illustrates things that occurred in different parts of the city of Los Angeles city of the US. The book does not actually specify the date that these events take place but the various clues included in the book point to these events happening in the near future.

A big proportion of the story occurs near the city of Los Angles. By illustrating different environments in the story, the writer gets to portray the different social groups in America. For instance, Bruce Delamitri represents the rich people who even have guards while Scout and Wayne represent those who are less rich. In the plot, Bruce Delamitri, who is the protagonist, is portrayed as an artist who works in the industry of motion pictures.

Most people are of the idea that by virtue of being in the motion picture industry, Bruce makes it seem cool to kill someone. They think that Bruce is actually encouraging anyone who watches his movies to commit murder just for fun. Bruce however defends himself by stating that he is not encouraging anyone to do anything and that violence has always existed among humans.

Besides, humans are not like robots that are commanded or pushed towards doing anything because they posses free will. Bruce them emphasizes that seeing something being acted on screen need not necessarily make someone want to engage in those acts. Unfortunately for Bruce, there actually exist two people, Scout and Wayne, who just kill for fun. These two are actually referred to as maul murders because of their behavior of killing their victims just as it is in Brue’s movies.

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